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CONTROL RIG & FUR Groom | Premium Tutorial | Unreal Engine 5
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Animation | Cat CONTROL Rig / FUR Setup | Unreal Engine 5
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FUR and ANIMATION in Real Time with Unreal Engine 5.5
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Premium Tutorial | Unreal Engine 5

Advanced Rigging and Fur Grooming in Unreal Engine 5

Complete Guide with Oscar

Advanced Rigging and Fur Grooming in Unreal Engine 5 Complete Guide with Oscar

This tutorial is the most complete and advanced guide on rigging and fur with Oscar. It is highly technical and recommended for professionals and advanced users looking to master character rigging and grooming in Unreal Engine 5.

Covering everything from skeletal setup to real-time fur simulation, this tutorial provides in-depth explanations and best practices to achieve high-quality results in Rigging, and Animating with Fur.

What you'll learn :


  • Overview of Oscar's character rig and fur system

  • Importance of advanced rigging and grooming for animation and real-time rendering

Character Rigging

Fundamentals to Advanced

1.1. Skeleton & Hierarchy Setup

  • Importing a character in Unreal Engine

  • Understanding the skeletal hierarchy for optimal deformation

  • Best practices for bone placement and retargeting

1.2. Control Rig Setup

  • Creating a custom Control Rig for Oscar

  • IK/FK blending and advanced constraints

  • Setting up space switching for animation flexibility

1.3. Facial Rigging & Expressions

  • Blendshapes vs. bone-based facial rigs

  • Creating realistic facial expressions

  • Integration with MetaHuman facial animation tools

Nom de l'université

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Nom de l'université

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